Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trouble in Sudan!


  1. I don't understand how so many millions of refugees in Darfur and Uganda are displaced and no one has stepped in to stop these terrorist executioners of mass genocide. It is unacceptable.
    It seems to be a trend lately that thousands of displaced people are moving back to their desolated villages. However, there are no talks of helping the people to rebuild their communities. No revitilization for the burned villages and destroyed resources. How are these people going to be better off out of the displacement camps? They only seem more vulnerable to me...
    I do understand about terror activity going on in the displacement camps. In the D.R. Congo the displaced people are placed right along the boarder of the bush or Gonga Forest where the LRA resides and so they are sitting ducks for an easy target, however sending them to long abandonded land seems like a worse situation. They will have to go further distances for water and food and completeyly have to rrebuild..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These people continue to be terrorized, displaced, and killed. When is something going to be done? These people want to return the displaced back to their original camps and villages, when these villages have already been destroyed. There is nothing left for them to go back to. This just makes the situation for these civilians worse; returning them to their villages does not help these people in any way.

  4. The displacement of these people is very devasting to many. I think that something should be done quickly to put an end to this. I dont think anyone deserve to go through somehting like this. Many people go through tough situations but this type of situation is out of control. They are losing alot and have very little help. They are easy targets due to the lack of resources where they are located. I think something should be done to help these people.
