Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Children Who Kill Discussion

Interesting discussion on children who kill.....check it out!


  1. If this type of act has been happening long enough to document it then why hasent there been anything to help prevent it? I guess its another case of "look the other way."

  2. It makes sense that this type of activity takes place in juvenile centers. The place is swarming with hormones and someone is bound to lose control and violate someone eventually.

  3. ^ i posted this comment on the wrong topic, it was meant for the one below. sorry!

  4. Homosexual juveniles have said they got it worse than inmates that were heterosexual?? ...I cant imagine why. Its a disgusting topic of homo-rape, but none the less, it is a topic and it is real. What if, once you were penned you had to wear proximity external shock collars... Just a thought. That was a terrible topic to read about.

  5. I agree with scell06 in that if they had enough time to do this report then why don't they have enough time to stop the rapes especially the rapes that involve the guards at this juvenile centers. i also agree with it must be one of those "look the other way type" of scenarios

  6. To me its funny how you dont see this coming out on our local news stations. Its like the media is also part of that "look the other way" scenario. I feel sad that this happens to our youth today. Causing such a traumatic situation like this to youth, especially at risk youth in correction facilities, just pushes them backwards instead of forwards.

  7. According to these statistics, 80 percent of them have said to have been abused/raped is alot especially when its 80 percent of more than 9,000. How could this be? Either it should be stopped with the zero-tolerance rule or there had to be some other way to watch over the faculty. What if those juvenile's are just "claiming" to be abused because they hate the fact that they are locked up and put blame on the facility to get attention in a different kind of way. Either way the only way to solve this problem is having the facility watched as well as the deliquents by having cameras in all rooms and only having certain supervisors access the videos. Reading this after visiting one of the Texas facilities makes me understand how it may happen. And with all the budget cuts happening this matter will not be resolved anytime soon. This is just ridiculous that it happens and sad that Texas is the number one state that it happens at.

  8. I agree with Eurose, the statistical commonality of 80% of the population appears to be too high for belief. That means that rape and sexual abuse is blatantly commonplace.

  9. I think this is very disgusting. I think by now statistics should have decreased knowing the situations and that this is really happening. Since this is being reported things should change within the prisons to help with the safety and protection of the youth.

  10. I think this type of abuse goes a tad bit overlooked and it isnt right...I dont know if its because these kids are at sort of a halfway point of child hood entering adult hood and they must suck it up or what??? it seems sad and something more must be done to stop theses acts of abuse that shouldnt even be happening in the first place...

  11. This topic i feel is just a no win situation. Sometimes you have children who end up killing in order to protect themselves or family, and then sometimes you have kids who do stupid stuff and kill for no reason. All in all i think you have to break down each case to really see how you feel about a child killing

  12. Sexual abuse is sexual abuse. No matter if it's in a juvenile center or outside in neighborhoods. Looking the other way should never happen, even though it happens countless times.
    If at this young of an age juveniles are sexually abused either by staff or other juveniles, is this going to impose mental problems and relationship problems later in life? YES. So why are there attempts to trying to fix something and not actually being enforced?

  13. i agree with has to be a look the other way thing, i believe if they wanted too they could easily stop this from needs to be taken care of and taken care of now this shouldn't be going on.

  14. I think this is very sad for our youth in prison. I agree with what was "its a no win situation" for them. They go there so we can get them to see that what they have done is wrong and to rehabilitate. It is hard to make them see that when they have to defend themselves at all times and at all cost.

  15. After reading this article, I am truly saddened and disgusted by both the statistics and by the apparent lack of care, considering these statistics are true for the year 2008. These kinds of actions should not be tolerated anywhere, and more importantly in any type of juvenile facility, sure, the children/juveniles in these centers are not angels but, sexual assault is sexual assault and instead of attempting to encourage these young kids to change—these actions are giving them more reasons to remain as they are. If there is such a great problem with staff members, then there should obviously be some type of human resources audit taking place, and cameras etc. placed in these juvenile facilities. And if money is an issue, it really shouldn’t be, considering we have thousands of dollars to spend on a toilet seat cover but, no money to focus on the humane punishment and possible rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents. Furthermore, I would be shocked if someone hasn’t attempted to reduce the shocking percentages found at the Victory Field Correctional Academy in Vernon and the Corsicana Residential Treatment Center.

  16. I agree with Karla. With the knowledge of this happening, why isn't anyone really doing much about this or why is it that we don't hear much about it? Is it because the people who are in charge want to keep this hush-hush or is it because people don't care? Maybe they believe that since these kids deserved to be put in juvenile facilities then they deserve to be sexually assaulted. NO WAY! I believe no one has the right to sexually assault anyone at any given time or place or for any reason. Cameras should be put up and maybe the staff that is responsible for this should be fired but also sent to jail for sexual assault to a child or just plain rape. And for the juveniles that are sexually assaulting other inmates should be put in a program to be helped with their obsession or problem. This issue is one that needs to be worked on and improved to help stop these sexual assaults.
