Monday, February 20, 2012

Normal Curve Gauss Lecture for CRJ Stats

Got bored and threw this presentation together for my CRJ stats class to check out....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Holocaust means "Burnt Offering"

Remarkable article on the word, "Holocaust". I have always had an interest in the concept of Genocide or as I would rather call it Democide. The basic questions is why such an act would occur in a "civilized" world. Check it out...

Problems continue to Exist in Darfur, Sudan

Although Sudan is now divided into two countries problems continue to exist in the Darfur region which is home to the longest running Genocide campaign in recorded history!

Gang Member Face Stark Choice in English Courts

Interesting article concerning increasing gang problems in the UK.

TCU Drug Bust Sign of Increased Pot Use?

TCU Drug Bust sign of increased drug use? Interesting article...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

London Police Ramp up Gang Raids Across East London

London Police target gangs across East London. With the 2012 Summer Olympics approaching London, Metro Police are ramping up efforts to target local gangs. Check it out....

London Metro Police Decide to Fight Gang Crime by "deglamorizing"

Interesting article on Metro Police reaction to increasing levels of gang crime. Why not react to this story???