Sunday, March 17, 2013

Research Methods: Firearms and Gun Control..Some Answers

Really interesting information compiled by the RAND Research Institute on "firearms and gun control" in the United States. Check it out!


  1. President Obama's gun control laws are unnecessary. The events in Newtown, Conneticut were horrific and cruel, but guns are not what killed people. Guns in general do not kill people. People kill people. Banning guns will not prevent the number of suicides and homicides. The individuals who commit these crimes will simply find other means to kill, like the man in China who murdered children by knife. If the individuals involved in these acts want to kill, they will find means. Also, banning certain guns will create a black market increase. In Mexico, where guns are banned, there were 20,000 deaths by guns. Criminals have the guns. Just like in America, if guns are banned, criminals will have them. Those who want protection will be forced to by them illegally and pay thousands of dollars for a gun that is no where near that worth. I am all for the excessive background checks and the waiting periods, but for banning guns in general, I am against. The nation has always had firearms, why take them now?

  2. Here we go again with the greatest debate taking place here in our country since the abortion debate, there is no right or wrong way to answer. The outcome could neither be fair nor unfair, good or bad,because we all feel indiffernet about guns. Most of society feel as if we need them to protect oursleves and our loved ones, yet we hate to see them used in school shooting. According to the 2nd Amendedment we all have the right to bare them but beyond that part of the constitution is lies a gray area which is what the confusion in Congress is all about. True enough we do need to revise and remove the gray and come up with a definite resolution, however that should be in the hands of the people and not the government. we need to feel like in our own opinions. Are we, the citizens, ready for gun reform? We are so torn right now between yay and nay I cant see a resolution in the near future. So, it looks like our mind is being made up for us! This is where not voting, lack of interest in politics, and ignorance of the system comes back to bite us in the A**!

  3. One of the things that really got my attention in this article was the information stated about improving the background check for people trying to purchase guns. I know that it is against the law for people that are felons to have a gun and therefore making it illegal for someone that is not a felon to buy a gun for that individual. I remember hearing in class that when most females that have drugs on them are arrested and asked why they have the drugs they will say that their boyfriend told them to hold it. If some females will hold drugs for them I certain that they would they go out and buy a gun for them. I guess they feel this is the way that they show their man that they love them, but they are breaking the law. This is just one example of the ways that people get around the background check and get a gun. I am sure there are several more ways. I don’t what can be done about firearms and gun control, but I hope that it happens real soon, because too many lives are being cut too short and really for no good reason at all.

  4. The concern of this most recent gun control debate is if there should be federal regulations on gun ownership, sales, and the sale of ammunition. A fact about gun control is that the second amendment does give us the right to keep and bear arms. However even though the second amendment does protect our right to bear arms it seems that the amendment is too vague and needs interpretation by the federal government. The Statistics given in this article clearly show that gun control laws are long overdue and also show that the United Sates has a gun problem. I do believe by regulating who can own, sale and buy ammunition would control gun violence. The proof that this would work is the research that has already been done, research has shown that countries that have strict gun laws have lower gun violence. Opponents of strict gun laws always mention that strict gun laws would not work, an example that is always given is Mexico. Mexico is a country with strict gun laws, in Mexico you cannot go to a gun shop and buy a gun, the only way in Mexico to own a gun legally is being part of the military, police or a gun club. What opponents fail to recognize is that 90 percent of guns and ammunition found in Mexico come from the United States, since it is so easily to come into the United States to buy bulk of guns and ammunition and transport them across the border.

  5. First off, America has the second amendment. It’s usually common belief that; when one commits a heinous act, murder, robbery, etc. , they have forfeited their rights. Therefore, anyone who has been found guilty of a crime against humanity, such as the ones I’ve listed, they should never be allowed to carry firearms of any caliber. Seriously, it really is easy, innocent until proven guilty. If someone has a criminal background involving violence of anything above a misdemeanor; shouldn’t have a weapon. So really the correct action to take would be; up the background search. Maybe every store should get a government employee, who runs a background check on everyone. As for the people that slide by; humans always finds a way. Crime isn’t going to stop regardless if weapons are taken away. People are always going to find ways to commit felonies and suicide. And, if we think back to history and today’s news, most countries that have put bans on civilian weapons, usually end up with mass murders by the government. I do agree however strict laws should be used with assault-type weapons, for obvious reasons. I may be stretching it but assault-type sounds like anything from a fully auto rifle and up. There is simply not enough land in this nation for everyone, who wants one, to go out and buy a 240 or Mortar system. There would be catastrophic/redneck accidents occurring everywhere.

  6. It’s interesting to see that only a small percentage of the 31,000 plus murders that occurred in the United States up to 2010, were incidents that included more than one person being murdered. But when a mass shooting occurs, the news media saturates the evening news of a shooting including more than one individual which can create the misperception to the typical viewer that these shootings are occurring more than often. The actions of these individuals will never be fully understood and with news networks creating these misperceptions it really doesn’t help the general audience come to a consensus on what is important to look at and what may not be so important.
    It’s important to have background checks and also to evaluate the person that will be purchasing a gun, but even with these precautions individuals can act out in spontaneous acts. For example, some of the perpetrators of the school shootings didn’t have a violent history. Although no one can really be blamed for someone who does that, the parents have a responsibility of watching out for their kids and if they sense that something may be wrong they should address it.
    If there is going to be a reinstatement of the ban on assault rifles then the legislators should focus on handguns as well. Out of the 31,000 plus murders that were reported, 88% of firearms murders were committed with a handgun, but only a small percentage of handguns are owned by Americans. If the legislators are going to tackle one aspect of gun control policies they should enforce the policies on all levels. Even if there is a ban reinstated on assault weapons or handguns, most likely a black market will be created to supply the demand of firearms. There should be improved methods of tracking guns that will make it easier for researchers to identify perpetrators and the role of guns in crime and it will give the opportunity to legislators to make more effective policies.
    I also think it’s important to remember that Switzerland has a prominent gun culture but they don’t have nearly the same incidence of crime that we do, so taking a closer look at the policies that they have or the regulation would be helpful.

  7. 31,000 out of the census reported population of 308,745,538. I looked up the population from 2010 so that I can have more perspective on how dangerous is it really. Clearly the school shootings are not the norm and are outliers. The sensationalization of guns and the appearance of acting to correct the needless loss of young lives are not a good combination. The children are not getting their “justice” and it appears that more falsehoods are circulated about gun factoids. I had read where the US was compared to Yemen but then never went on to relate to the reader what is the crime rate in Yemen with guns. I hope that in my own research I will not leave holes in my statements to keep my reader just at a loss for information. This is an excellent article to just start more research and create more questions. I saw no great epiphanies of information. I was not enlightened as to why our gun crime rate is so high here in the US. It’s just like Dr. G has said…AND???

  8. First off I want to say, "Guns don't kill people, People kill people." A Gun does not operate unless a person picks it up and pulls the trigger. The Obama administration is trying to use a band aid to cover up bullet wound. Were we need to focus is on is the violence that are children see every day; ie video games, tv shows, media. We need to start at the root of the problem and go from there. Banning extended magazines and assault weapons will do nothing about gun violence. All it is going to do is open up the black market to get them. Another focus we need is to work on private sell of guns. That is how the criminals are getting weapons. Felons know they can not get a gun legally so the will go to a private owner and buy it that way. If we can do something about that then we may be able to start somewhere when it comes to gun control and violence.

  9. This is in regard to President Obama’s task force debate on gun violence and gun control, and the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado, and New Town, Connecticut. I agree with the legislature proposals and executive actions to improve on back ground checks for firearm purchasers, to tracing guns used for criminals acts, and to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. I feel these measures, and any other additional strong gun laws should be implemented immediately to stop these mass shootings, and the large number of people killed each year by handguns. The article includes reports that in 2003, the United States had almost a 20 times higher rate of firearm fatalities than any other high-income nation, and that in 2007, the United States had over 88 guns per 100 people.
    I think these reports definitely indicate the urgency for the United States to do everything possible to control gun violence, and find out what is causing this violence in our society. I feel the violent content of the media has had a strong influence on the youth and society of today. The daily news seems to focus on shootings, killings, and criminal actions. While attending a movie recently, I noticed seven large posters in the lobby advertising coming attractions, and five of the posters showed the main character holding a handgun or machine gun. In my opinion, this predominantly violent content of the media is one of the main causes of the violence in our society, and causes of the tragic acts among the youth today. I think the time is far overdue to replace this violent action type of entertainment, with the type of entertainment that presents an example of a more normal, happy, and peaceful life for the youth and citizens of our society.

  10. In response to President Obama's task force debate on gun violence and gun control I feel that just like stated in previous responses to this article is that guns are not the reason for the deaths of these people the mental illnesses of the people committing the crimes are who are doing the killings. No matter how strict gun laws are these mentally ill people will find weapons in order to kill people. The issue we need to focus on is not taking guns away from people but trying to find preventative ways on stopping these killings before they start because in most of these mass killings the shooters have some sort of mental disability and show signs becoming a suicidal mass murderer. If we can identify these types of people and can get them help these horrific killings can be stopped. Guns have always been present in this country and I do not think that we will ever be able to get rid of them completely and I am against the thoughts on trying to ban guns as well. People want guns to be able to protect themselves from these types of events and so they will go to whatever measure they need to in order to keep that right.

  11. It’s great that we can improve our background checks for firearms purchases, ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines and other extreme measures. But is it really working? The second amendment does state that we have a right to bare arms for our protection not for killing someone just for attention or to gain some type of control. The problem isn’t that you own a gun the issue is how the person holding that gun uses it. (For protection or for violate acts) We might be able to eliminate some shooting in some areas but in my opinion it will not be completely eliminated. Look how many young kids can open up their website and learn to create a bomb in the piracy of their own homes and what about all these movies that seems to draw our interest of the power of holding and shooting a gun Scare Face, Boy’s In the Hood, and Saving Private Ryan to name a view. All great movies I have to agree but somewhere down the line of people’s mental state they separate from reality. I believe we have amendment rules and laws down but until people can gain their mental state and hungry for control and power this will continue to be a part of life.

  12. I do not agree with this legislation about limiting guns, banning automatic weapons or any other legislation targeted at gun control. I don’t think they are addressing the real problem that people kill people guns don’t kill people. If they want to pass legislation to improve on the gun related murders such as those in Sandy Hook or Aurora Colorado then they need to focus on mental health and psychological issues that many of these shooters possess. I think passing gun control laws and legislation is a way for politicians to take the easy route instead of touching the sensitive subject of the mental issues and breakdowns that lead to these mass shootings. Gun control laws will only suffice and relieve some people but the problem of shootings will continue unless we address the real issues and provide adequate help for those with psychological problems. I do agree with stricter laws regarding background checks, and ways to trace guns with more ease, but the other parts I disagree with. I think that if people want assault rifles or weapons or certain type of ammunition then they will find ways to get them specifically the black market. Gun sales sky rocketed following the shootings in Sandy Hook, so there are tons of these “banned” weapons on our streets but we are unable trace them via background checks and registration so now they are in the hands of criminals.

  13. There has been a lot of violence the past couple of decades involving guns. However, now that there have been a number of public shootings involving children, the government decides to act. I thought, this was a very interesting article. If the government decides to restrict gun access; the amount of crimes involving firearms will not decrease, in the United States. An example of this was during prohibition. People did not stop drinking or distributing alcohol, because the government banned it. The per capita consumption amount increased, and the government’s original intention backfired. Guns do not kill people; people kill people. I think something should be done, but banning automatic/semi automatic weapons is not the answer. If there are no guns, someone will find something else to use as a weapon, like a household object. Who likes the idea of our government having the ability to carry firearms while we cannot? Yes, we can try and enforce more gun control regulations, but someone will find a loop hole around it. Maybe congress should place (actual) police officers inside of public places such as: schools, malls, and movie theaters, instead of federal buildings: courts and banks. The problem is not guns, it is people. Yes, I think the government should enforce a rule about people doing complete psychiatric evaluations, before they take a gun licensing class. This will help a little, but it will probably increase the number of people straw purchasing. There has to be other solutions.

  14. There has to be some type of gun laws in place in the United States because we are a society of rules and laws. What should be done is the more thorough back ground checks. Whether people buy guns from a pawn shop, at a gun show or from a private owner the guns should be registered through the government and every time a gun goes from one owner to another the registration should change just like a vehicle does. This way the gun can be traced if it is used in a crime; the police will be able to find the owner and that person will be held responsible for the criminal act that the gun was involved in. Maybe this way more responsible gun owners will do the right thing and follow the laws.
    Will this control the issue with the mass shootings we have in the U.S., probably not but it may help in getting society to think twice about just giving a gun to someone just because. But the mass shootings that happen are outliers according to the article. If you think about it, it is true because these types of mass shootings don’t happen every day, and more people die from self inflicted gunshot wounds than those in mass shootings. There is no right or wrong answer to gun control. What needs to be done is start holding gun owners responsible for their guns.

  15. I agree with Presidents Obamas task force debate on gun violence. People always make the statement that “guns don’t kill people, people with guns, kill people”, but if the guns are taken out of people’s hands, I don’t think throwing a bullet at someone will kill them. In my opinion there should be laws in place that enforce stricter background checks, and make places that participate in the sale of firearms, like gun shows, etc. run background checks on people who are purchasing guns. On the other hand I do believe that if someone really wants to purchase a firearm they will find a way. I agree with Richard when he stated that the reports indicate urgency for the United States to act on the gun violence issue. However, in regards to the school shootings, I think that we need to be more proactive at finding why this type of violence happens in schools.

  16. I don't believe that taking guns out is the big picture we should be looking at to be honest, so what if we are successful in the banning of guns or stricter gun rules? I really think that criminals will find other means of achieving their goals. In other parts of the countries they have stabbings, I read an article where in China they have mass stabbings in schools. I'm not sure why, but I really do believe that criminals will not stop trying to make their "big statement" to the world just because guns are not available. They could use knifes, machetes, bombs, the list goes on and on. A background check would be a great idea before being able to buy guns, or parents paying close attention to their children, the schools doing a better job in the bullying scene, the list goes on and on. There is not just one main factor to explain school shootings, there are many. I don't believe that getting rid of guns is the main solution and only solution.

  17. This is due to the Obama administration. Taking away extended clips/magazines and assault rifles will do nothing for gun control as people will still get them from independent and private distributors. It is to my belief that if we can eliminate or at least keep private distibutors to a minimum then we will start to put a dent in gun control/violence. Guns are the problem, the problem is the bad people that have access to them. Criminals who have felons on their records cannot get guns from registered gun stores, so once again it is the black market that is causing the problems here.

  18. It’s really such nice information to get advantage from.gun mann
