Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gun Control in Switzerland

Article looking at the issue of gun control in Switzerland. Can a comparison be made between gun control in the United States versus Switzerland? There are a lot of guns among the Swiss so why is the Swiss violent crime so much lower than the U.S.???


  1. This was an awesome article, I agree with what Dr. Halbrook said. After, the Sandy Hook shooting; there has been a public outcry for more gun control. I think if Congress and President Obama decided to restrict gun access, the amount of crimes with firearms would not decrease (in the United States). Guns do not kill people; people kill people. If the government restricts gun access we are the ones that will suffer. We will no longer have our second amendment “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to bear Arms shall not be infringed." If there are no guns, someone will find something else to use as a weapon, such as a household object. I do not like the idea of our government having the ability to carry firearms, while we cannot. The problem is not guns, it is people. Switzerland is a prime example of this, every male carries a firearm. However, their homicide rate involving firearms is much less than that of the United States. The negative effect of banning guns is shown by England. They banned guns and look where they are now; the homicide rate is higher than it was before the ban. I think something should be done, but I do not think more gun control is the answer.

  2. Taking guns away is not going to solve this problem. People are the ones killing others. Not guns. The people that go and buy a gun and have the intent to kill another person are the problem. Trying to take away our Right to Bear Arms is not going to solve anything because there are still going to be ways to get a gun. If guns get banned not only will people stil find a way to get a gun, if they can't, they will find other weapons to do the deed. If the government thinks taking away guns is going to make the homicide rate go down they are wrong. It will go up and then they will have to ban something else. Gun control isn't the answer but something needs to be done to stop shooting like this like better testing.

  3. After reading this article it is obvious that guns are not the problem; and gun control will not resolve nothing, because the main problem seems to be the society in which we grow up in. In Switzerland, where gun control barley exist and they have the least amount of homicides, which is pretty remarkable. Maybe it is because they are more exposed to firearms, and they do compete more in activities with fire arms. But in places like the U.S. where gun control is uptight there are more homicides are much more frequent. So the main reason is that getting rid of firearms will not really solve anything. Look at Mexico for example where guns are outlawed there crime rate is greater than that of the U.S., and it doesn’t really show to stop the violence. In fact it is only getting worse. The same thing with the English people, they only increased there crime rate with the gun control laws. What it comes down to getting rid of fire arms or putting more strict laws on them will not stop people from committing such violent crimes; more the reason to find something else to contribute to make more crimes.

  4. I do believe that we do need more gun control but I also understand that gun control will not solve all of our current issues with these weapons. As we have heard many times “Guns don’t kill people, People kill people” this is still very true today. If the government does decide to take away a person’s right to own a weapon then individuals will only find another way to get them. As we have seen in the past whenever there is something that is either illegal or the government says that we are not allowed to have it there is always a way to get that item on the street. Then that will spark an even bigger problem. When more individuals start shopping on the street to buy weapons 1) most of the weapons that are sold on the street are “Dirty” meaning they might have already been used in a crime. And for those reasons the act of purchasing a gun on the streets is really dangerous and the people that you would come in contact with when purchasing a gun is also dangerous. So what needs to be done is simply lets really do our research on the individuals that we let own guns. Because we have got to change the number of gun crimes each year in the world.

  5. The Swiss and the Americans in terms of guns and gun use is extremely different and the statistics speak for themselves. when you look at the number of guns based on per-capita of the population of countries, they have more than does the un-United States but they have very different morals and ethics regarding gun use. The have greater respect for life and less of a regard for the use of violence,especially if its unwarranted.

  6. I believe that Switzerland has lower murder and robbery rate than the Untied States. Even with the militia system they have over there. There is no way in the world that men age 20 to 42 living in the Untied States could have a gun in their home our homicide rate would be through the roof. I heard someone say once “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and that is so true. I don’t know what it is with people these days, but they feel that they have to prove themselves to somebody and for what I do not know.

  7. I had no idea Switzerland had laws and lifestyles like this. What are we waiting for? With statistics like this; who is to argue? Okay, I do see a few problems with the U.S. implementing this sort of structure. In America; religion, sex, different races, size of country, classes, etc. would most likely dictate on how this would go down. I’m not sure about the variety of people in Switzerland but here in America there are so many different people. It’s good to hear it works out over there but I honestly would be terrified to see that structure enacted here in America. As I’ve learned throughout school and life; America still has a ton of racism and a little classism. I believe mini racial hate wars or class wars would be the first thing to get worse. I don’t believe it would happen on a huge scale, I’m just saying there would be bloodshed. I know I’ve definitely met some crazy individuals in my day. If demanded to carry a weapon these individuals, I’ve met, would definitely abuse this rule. I can’t even count all the trigger happy people I’ve come across in my line of work. Here in America, I still believe there needs to be boundaries. I don’t believe guns should ever be taken away from us. Even I hope to one day own a S.A.W, but I believe some people need to be screened. I think only if America were under some sudden invasion should we could consider militias. Basically the only way it could work; is if everyone here is okay with duking it out for a couple of years amongst ourselves…again.

  8. I just think that the socialization of societies is what makes the difference. I also would like to see the poverty statistics for the Swiss. See if there is any correlation to poverty levels, socialization, crime…etc. So many avenues to conduct research. I know that it’s a subject heavily researched but the Swiss are on to something. Someone somewhere needs to get factual data showing what it is and how it is being done!! I liked the last paragraph...”The bottom line is one of attitude. Populations with training in civic virtue, though armed, generally do not experience sensational massacres or high crime rates. Switzerland fits this mold. But the United States does not. As H. Rap Brown declared in the 1960s, "Violence is as American as apple pie."”

  9. The more you ban something the more people will want it. And people will get what they want. The criminal element will thrive. For example look at prohibition. The Swiss have built a society around guns. The U.S. tried but failed. Switzerland is also a lot smaller than the U.S. so they can control there population a lot better than the U.S. can. The U.S started off on the right foot but failed in the long run because they could not stick to the militia standard that the swiss did. As a child Swiss children learn the ins and outs of guns. They learn to respect the power a gun has. In America we are not taught how to respect guns. So the only way we learn how to respect guns are when we are in the military. If the American govt could enact laws like the Swiss then we may see the a lower violence rate.

  10. I think that it is amazing that Switzerland can be so comfortable with most people carrying guns. In America that would be extremely absurd. We, as Americans should be ashamed that people say, "Violence is as American as apple pie." We need to realize that guns are not what are committing crimes, but it is in fact the people that are holding the trigger. It is crazy how society views things in different parts of the world. I think it is astonishing that a gun can be differently handled in these two parts of the world, and as Americans we’re a part of this great country where we do not feel safe with a form of protection. It is indeed society that plays a role. I do not think gun control will make things any better. A sense of “rebellion” will be created amongst the citizens, as already shown. How can so many carry guns in one area and have a lower crime rate than the country with not nearly as many people with the possessions of guns?

  11. Gun laws in the United States and Switzerland cannot be compared. Switzerland has been doing their thing with guns for hundreds of years. It is a mind set there and that is why it works for them. Society expects everyone to have guns and boys and girls to learn how to shot and respect a gun at a very early age. It would take more than just changing a law and letting everyone carry guns for the U.S. to become like Switzerland. Society would have to change first.
    The United States is such a big melting pot that it would be a big mistake for us to try and become like Switzerland with gun laws. When you have people coming from Germany, Russia, Mexico, South America, Saudi Arabia, and Greece there is no way I would want to have gun laws in the U.S. like in Switzerland!
    In no way am I in favor of taking away guns, but there does need to be laws in place to protect everyone, not just gun owners but those that wish not to posses guns also. The way a country is run also has an effect on the way society acts. There are just too many variables in the world for every country to be like Switzerland with their gun laws.

  12. I found the article, on guns, crime, and the Swiss to be interesting, which stated that target shooting was the favorite national sport of the country for both the young and the old, and that shooting ranges were available throughout the country. The article also stated that even though there were more firearms in Switzerland than anywhere in the world, there have been no school shootings there. In Switzerland, firearms basically represent a community activity. Since the recent school shootings in the United States, Congress has been pushing hard to pass more restrictions on firearms, however, to pass gun laws that work have been a difficult task for most countries. American citizens are constantly exposed to an environment of violence through the daily news, video games, and extremely violent movies, which I believe has influenced many people to use a gun to kill another person just to settle a problem or disagreement. I feel a gun should only be used for self protection or for sporting events. I think violent movies should not be shown, and the daily news should focus on local achievements and community activities, more than on the violent actions of the day. Good citizens should give their full support to help the Congress of the United States to implement laws to stop the causes of this violence in society, and to ensure the safety of the people of the country.

  13. This article is an example that having the rights to own a gun, or that the gun culture in a society will create an issue of gun violence. The Swiss have adapted to having guns as part of their culture and not have an issue of gun violence that can’t be controlled. Out of the homicide rate per 100,000 the Swiss only have a 1.4 homicide rate, of which 9 percent involve firearms. The United States has a homicide rate of 9 percent, in which 70 percent involve the use of firearms.
    The difference in the percentages could be a result of gang violence that is common within the United States and might not be as prevalent in Switzerland. In the article it mentions that the Swiss give the males an assault rifle for their militia service and are required to keep it at home. The Swiss give the males the responsibility over a firearm at a young age and this could be one of the reasons why they are handling them with care. Handguns in the United States are restricted to individuals twenty-one and over and shotguns and rifles are restricted to eighteen years and older. But if someone under eighteen wanted to get a firearm they could just buy it off the street or by someone older. And so the kids that are fascinated by guns can’t handle them responsibly.

  14. I wonder if it could also be something that has been embedded into our mentality by society and how we deal with certain conflicts, which might be more aggressively, by killing the person, than finding a better solution

  15. I think the more gun control we have in the Unites States the more crimes we are going see. Many people love to do the opposite of what its right. The more we ban guns the more illegal stuff people are going to do to get a gun in their hands. The fact that all Switzerland males carry a gun, but still have a lower percent of violent crimes than the United States proves that gun control is not going to lower our percent of violent crimes because guns do not kill people; people kill people. I think if we have more gun control people are still going to start looking for other items to use as a weapon, gun control is not going to stop criminals from killing other people.

  16. There is no way that the United States can be like Switzerland. There are too many people who need and use guns on a regular basis. Many families use them to hunt food and for protection. There does need to be a restriction on who can buy guns and the amount of ammo they can get. Taking away guns will cause many problems and more crime. A black market will be created and individuals will be buying guns for more money than they are actually worth. They'll be breaking the laws and over paying for firearms. It is a dumb idea for President Obama to even try to enforce this. There has been a notable comparison in all the shooters at the schools. They all have some sort of mental disability. Why sell them a gun in the first place?

  17. Switzerland is pretty safe and a very beautiful country, I drove there once on the way to Italy and all of the people seem nice, there was no drug problem there; I did not see any junkies on the streets. I think that the United States needs to keep the guns for the public, is not the guns killing each other, although i live in Chicago for past 10 years where the gun violence is highest at the country and its not the regular people that are killing each other our gun violence is caused by gang bangers and murders, and i don't think that Switzerland have these problems.

  18. I found the article about gun control in Switzerland interesting; however, comparing the United States and Switzerland is like comparing apples and oranges. The mindset of the people in Switzerland is different, than the United States. The United States has a lot more to deal with, like gangs, drugs, etc. and the culture is more diverse than in Switzerland. The gun violence in Switzerland may be close to non-existent, but Switzerland has embedded the carrying of guns into the community as a way of life. I also believe that when want to eliminate something, that just makes people want it more in return, and they will be willing to do anything to get it. We also have to consider that some countries don’t like to report negative things that are happening in their environment, so are these statistics accurate?

  19. The 2nd Amendment gives Americans the right to protect, keep and bear firearms. Which in turn have allowed the United States to be formed over the centuries. Our laws were written for people who were mistreated and oppressed. The Bill of Rights allow a person to protect their family and poverty, it gave them a means to fight back against any government that tried to oppressed the people. Our rights to bear arms is freedom and once a person started giving up these rights were would it stop. In the United States, people have begun to release these rights to the government one by one out of fear because they believe the government can save them. For example Gun control issue is up for debate in the wake of the school shootings many families were effect but in my opinion to put stricter sanitation on the purchase of firearms. If a person wants to commit a crime no law will stop them. As for the Swiss they are a neutral on issues war etc.. They choose not to take sides so there is no need for armies. The mindset of the nation is “don’t mess with us and we want mess with you”. The fact still remains Swiss still have violent crimes like the United States.

  20. I agree with Amayes that our societies are completely different and have different perspectives on gun control. In Switzerland, their governmental system is set up different as well so they are more accepting of guns as a way of life. In American we use guns in a violent way whereas it seems here, they don’t use guns in a violent way just as a cultural way. I also agree that the reporting system isn’t as advanced as ours in America, or if they do report they edit their statistics to become less violent. In reference to research methods, studies on the perspective of guns and violence could be performed using surveys and content analysis and compare the findings between the two countries

  21. This article was great, and educating. I had no idea about the gun control that was happening in Switzerland. All the men are required to be a part of this "military" in their late teens to adult hood. They are required to train, and know how to use the guns issued to them, for women it is optional. There are also competitions where the entire family can come out, support, and have fun. So interesting. I really believe that it's the culture and society, from the start young boys see that their fathers, or older brothers go through that phase of training, they know that when the time is right they too will be doing the same. The competitions are meant to be friendly and competitive. The whole perspective and out view on guns is different then here in the United States as a whole, that's the big different. Researchers have already compared and contrasted the two countries as far as gun control, it would interesting to go and do field research and actually witness and observe the men who train. Note their behavior and interview them just to get a better outlook on it.

  22. Sounds like I need to move to Switzerland as I am from the country and I am pro guns. We do a lot of hunting and fishing and shooting as well and I am all about keeping guns in America. The people of Switzerland are a prime example of "people kill people" not "guns kill people." It's time we start focusing on things that matter in this country and stop this whole "gun control" nonesense.

  23. Its not surprising hearing about this at all. When we grow up we have different interpretations of right and wrong along with various cultural norms. Now guns and gun control is all up for interpretation. Whether stricter or looser control is necessary depends on the point of view of any individual. As in Switzerland they have their own interpretation. But as the article said it starts off as national security issue. You can compare statistically per capita all you want but the original sole purpose for such a young up bringing of gun ownership in Switzerland is the mere fact of a lack of population. Its a necessity to have a domestic militia in the case of foreign attack. Especially with the past of Europe being so volatile. With this acceptance at such a young age and vast difference in interpretation of guns very few people could fathom this idea of a need hence the fight for stricter control vs. less in the United States.

  24. Wow great article interesting and educational. I never knew Switzerland had such control over hand guns. Unlike the United States that usually are ahead and on top of things were lacking in the things we need to improve. Why is it that we manufacturer all the guns being used for illegal stuff. We dont need to have competitions or require people to be able to use guns. We simply need to find a way to control how people get them. Yes indeed Switzerland and United States are different in many ways but if we see something good happening why not use it to our advantage and gain something from it.
