Tuesday, February 19, 2013



  1. This is very unusual situation, if his lawyer wouldn't be late on the paper work i think that his case would get revised and appealed. There are a lot of cases like that in our justice system, but only this one got to the top. Racism had always been a shame in our justice system but it is still happening today but in different scale. That's good that the supreme court looked at this case and gave an opinion that it does not want to see cases like that ever again.

  2. When reading this story it really concerns me to hear that sex offenders are out on the streets without the law enforcement knowing where they are. I am pleased to know that the majority of the sex offenders did the correct thing, which means they are trying to amend their past. But those few that took advantage of the situation with Sandy to move and disappear from the law enforcement, they are the true criminals they shouldn’t just be looked for and found but they should be sent to jail. It sickens me to think they could be out there doing something to an innocent person, I’m sure that the few that took advantage of the situation are the ones we should be worried about they probably were eager to go back on the streets without the law enforcement knowing what they were doing. I hope the U.S. marshals find them soon and I hope they find a better way to keep up with them in the future when any kind of disaster happens.

  3. On Wednesday, a man was arrested in suspicion to being linked to mailing a letter to President Obama, that tested positive for the poison ricin. I think this is RIDICULOUS. Do people really hate him that much? I myself don’t understand how one would purposefully try and harm the president. Not just the current president, but any president. If we like it or not, that person was elected, to serve our country as our leader. We as citizens must put how we feel aside, and support our president, so he makes wise choices that benefits our country positively. I don’t know about you, but I would want the president to be as happy as possible so he doesn't try and get back at the citizens out of spite!
