Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gangs Problems Sully Cape Towns Postcard Image



  1. I think this is probably one of the first gang stories I have heard of where the gangs are starting to work together to make some sort of peace treaty. Its sad to see all these people saying that they are always attending funerals and it is rare for the cause of death to be something natural or due to a sickness. These deaths are from killings due to gang violence. These people are just hiding out and it has become part of their lives and its really just sad. I hope it does turn around for the innocent people of this place with the gangs working together. They are taking the young children just like every other gang and starting them early. They're too young, they are going to be screwed up for the rest of their lives. You can't un-see certain things, or take back the lives you may have taken.

  2. Cape Town has numerous gang members. Twenty-two year old Miche Moses, seen his first killing on the streets at age eleven. There are numerous funerals throughout a short period of time due to gang violence. There are more deaths by gun shot or knife than of old age, diabetes, or cancer. No one should be allowed to grow up in a society of this kind. It is inhumane to put individuals through that. The bloodshed has become so extreme that the army has been called in. The governing officials in Cape Town are not doing their job. The gangs are convincing high school age students to conform by means of the strain theory we discussed in class. They are pressuring them with the name-brand clothes and money by selling drugs and taking the easy way out. The gang violence was opened up when apartheid was opened in South Africa. In Lavender Hill a peace treaty has taken place. The gangs now meet weekly and use communication instead of violence. All gangs should take this leap. Governing officials should make them.

  3. This is in regard to the article about the gang culture, drugs, and international drug syndicates that have found a fertile breeding ground on the Cape Flats of South Africa. In this current gangland, or drug land as I refer to it, many of life’s necessities are being held for ransom, and if you don’t consider church, or freedom of religion a necessity, you need to reconsider. Do not think crystal method is a major necessity, because it is not. The democratic state of South Africa is definitely in jeopardy, and if some sort of gypsies don’t take up arms and take down the gangs, the police really will need the help of the army. The army coming to save the day seems like a first and last resort of the innocent citizens, and if a person dies every days due to gang violence, then, obviously, there is a problem that qualifies the need of armed forces. On the other hand though, if the gang members don’t stop snitching, or becoming turncoats, their demise will probably ultimately be inevitable. Regardless of six months of peace and negotiations through mediation between the powerful gang bosses in one neighborhood I still think that the army most also have some impact along with the police forces in order to reach a breakthrough, and a permanent truce among these powerful gang bosses and international drug syndicates in South Africa.

  4. The amount of damage that gang violence can cause in a few of decades within third world countries is astonishing. South Africa seems to be getting out of hand in some countries. These articles open up new ideas on why South Africa has a very low life expectantly compared to the rest of the world. I thought it was shocking that after segregation policies came to an end, which drugs corporations soon took over afterwards. Now South Africa has become a warzone between gangs. Cape down has dealt with a high amount of deaths over the years; the postcards give more than enough evidence. It is bothersome that many of the youngsters in Cape Town get involved with a gang at such an early age. It is no surprise the police are overwhelmed by crime. As stated by one African that many young African citizens join the brotherhood gang thinking it is the only way to improve their live, while instead they are putting themselves more in danger. Social life has decreased drastically cause of gang wars, I was surprised that even the church had to lower their total amount of activity at night due to the fear of people getting caught in the crossfire. The innocent people living in Cape Town are terrorized to make a stand or even speak with the chances of being punished by gang members. Death seems to be a common site for most citizens in Cape Town. I really hope life stats improving over time, it might not happen in a few decades, but hopefully the gangs can at least lower the violence to a level that people aren’t frighten to go out to do social activities

  5. It doesn’t surprise me how much gang violence, selling and distribution of drugs, and even the going to funerals as a daily thing. With their poverty rate high it’s normal how much of these sad impacts these people have in their lives there in South Africa. But what does catch my attention is the peace treaty that some of the gangs are have right now, we will have to see how long it will last. This somewhat same incident occurred in Los Angles right after the Rodney King Riots as soon as the chaos was over the Bloods and Crips called for a truce it didn’t last long I believe only about two years. But in that short period of time gang violence dramatically decreased. Unfortunately it didn’t last long and they started back where they started. I just hope that this peace treaty can really last more than a couple of months and years at that also.

  6. Many individual do not understand the influence of gangs. Those who are involved in a gang are only there because they were influenced by family members or they had to “do or die”. As stated in the article they take about attending funerals of individuals who were killed due to violence and how often they are under the age of 25. I believe that the reason for that is because young people are easily influenced all that they see is that if they join the gang then they will be protected and they will get money from the drug lords and be able to purchases the items that they want that their parents cannot afford. I am glad to see that individuals are starting to see that the gang life is not where they need to be. The peace treaty I hope will open more individual’s eyes and cause a big turnaround for the people in South Africa. If change does not happen soon then they will continue attending the funeral of young individuals under the age of 25 killed because of gang violence. It is going to take more than a few individuals to allow this change to flourish.

  7. After reading this article I feel that the gangs in Cape Town are just like gangs in other areas of the world. The young men feel that they need to become apart of gangs for protection and also for money. They get so deep in the gang that they couldn’t get out if they wanted to. Like all other gangs the biggest problems are drugs and violence. I think it is very sad all the killings that goes on and how a church has to lessen their activities in order to try and avoid violence. Also how seeing someone being killed at a young age and going to funerals is such a normal thing especially when it is not for a normal cause or sickness.

  8. The problem with gangs in South Africa is same as any country that is under development. The old government left bunch of wholes in todays society in South Africa. The new government obviously cares less about finding the solution to the gang problem. The youth rather join the gang because they do not see any other opportunity for money. It is sad that the kids die there every day because the violence is big. I think that the government have to start solving that problem soon because the next generation is going to be more violent than the youth today.

  9. Reading that article, its obvious that Sully, Cape Town is undergoing gang problems similar to what I have noticed in many big cities around the world. It does not matter what country, there will always be gang problems. Governments try to do the best they can to help as many people as possible and put as many opportunities on the table as they can, however, there is only so much that can be done and not all people will be happy at any one time. When people are not happy and are put in situations less desirable without family, friends or help. Society cannot see a way to dig themselves out of their situation. I see the appeal of a gang in certain situations. A gang provides support, friends, a feeling of belonging and importance, an aim in life etc. Gang violence is just a product of this when people feel they are above the law or lack respect for the law for particular reasons. It is not right but I think Sully is doing the best they can given the situation. Change is a process that takes time, perseverance and work.

  10. Clearly these incidences in Cape Town are not too foreign as to what is happening in the rest of the world with gangs. That includes the US. Although here they can seem to be a lot more organized. Can you imagine just how much more powerful and dangerous these groups could be if there was unity and strong solid and focused leadership? The things that are working are the education programs and church affiliations. No matter your opinion on religious affiliation, it is evident that these church leaders are reaching some of these gang members and turning their lives around. It’s common knowledge that the entire reason for joining gangs of any kind is for acceptance, protection, and most importantly, MONEY. As long as there are no real job opportunities for families to provide support then ultimately these gangs will not just go away. It is incredibly frustrating to know that old age is not obtainable in some parts of the world.

  11. South Africa is ranked as one of the most stable country in the continent of Africa and is also known as one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. However crime and gangs have plagued South Africa and has become an epidemic. The crime and gang issues have become such a big problem that South Africa has become known as one of the most dangerous places in the world. The reason South Africa has gotten this title is because of the statistical information on their crime rate. I do believe that the reason for a growing crime and gang problem has to do because of previous administration attempts to suppress poor individuals in this country. If the poor are suppress, the only way possible to get what they need is to turn to crime or join a gang to get what they need to survive. I think that the government should do more to solve their crime and gang problem, such as having programs to deter young individuals from joining gangs. What I did find interesting about this article, is the tactic that they are using too decrees violence among gangs. The tactic I speak about is the gangs meeting together to talk about their issues. This tactic is used in the United States by many gang intervention programs and has been known to be a successful tactic in deterring violence. Even though there is some social programs in South Africa to deter individuals form joining gangs, I do believe that there should be a lot more government intervention, since I believe they are the cause of this problem because of the previous suppression of the poor and minorities.

  12. South Africa is experiencing what many countries go through with excessive gang violence. People are dumped into their country and they start participating in activities that brings negativity to the country. And there is nothing nobody can do because they bring so much fear into the current residents. In this case at least they are start to talk to them trying to change their minds about the activities they are involved in because it is causing much unwanted killings to the youth. And the young are growing up experiencing this, and before you know it they will be involved in the gang life.

  13. Gangs are mostly all over the world, but it is sad seeing how gangs are taking over South Africa by controlling people and killing people just because they think its right. It is also very sad knowing that all the funerals people attend are because people die by gunshots or a knife wound instead of attending normal funeral where a person might have died from an illness. It is unfair that people die when they are so young like the 21-year- old who was gunned down in the shadow of Table Mountain. "People just die around you all the time," said mourner Miche Moses, 22, who witnessed her first killing when growing up aged 10 or 11” it is unreasonable that a child of only 10 or 11 witnesses a crime like this one. A child of that age should be able to play on the streets with his/her little friends without having to witness a person killing another person.

  14. It seems like a way of life for the community of Cape Town. Attending, funerals for gunshot deaths instead of old age, that’s even more depressing. I just can’t image the fear that is put into the minds of the youth. Joining a gang out of fear of their family being killed, I can see why they would join. Gang will be around for a long, long time. Power, control and the love for money play an enormous part in gangs. To the extreme no matter what the cost. The government can only implement so many programs and have only a certain amount of policing to control these areas. Despite the protection, love for money, having a sense of belong doesn’t give you a right to kill others. As we have seen across the world it is a lengthy journey that will take an extensive amount of time to change.

  15. Our world has made a massive turn in direction since the past generations. Our generation in every culture, and country faces the grounds of peer pressure daily. In the Cape Town community, it seems they have accepted gang violence as a way of life. They claim one out of four people are killed due to gang violence. They also say that the reason of death, being murdered, is higher than old age or life threatening diseases. The violence is so severe, they have called the army to help and assist. I think that our world is so corrupt due to today's media. People think it is ok to act out what they view, and it is not. I just pray that people start having a change of heart, and help lead people to the right path.

  16. The gang problem in Cape Town is sad, and scary. Imagine having to be extremely careful every time you step out the door in fear that you might be the next person to end up in a coffin? There are gang problems everywhere, but it is more predominant it seems in other parts of the globe, such as in South Africa. In one of my classes from past semesters, Gangsters I believe, we saw a video, I remember a part that still stands out to me today of a women who grabbed dirt from the ground and stated that that was all she had. Many stated that the gangs had killed their families and they were running away everyday hoping to not be the next victim. I wish we could all do something to help this situation but it is not easy to fix. What country is the worst off in gang activity and why?

  17. I feel so bad for these children who have to grow up around this gang life. The pressure is so high that most of them join the gangs and use drugs. No young child should have to go through that. I mean they had to cancel church events at night because they were scared the gangs could cross oaths with a child. That is so sad. They gangs make the life seem great because you can buy clothes that you family could not afford, and when they gangs force you to do drugs gives you a feeling or want and need because the drugs make you feel that way. I like the peace process idea because it gives the chance for gang members to chow their emotions and feeling and get help. They might have not had anyone in the past to listen to them. With all the stress building up it makes your destructive person left with wrong judgments. This program is the best idea to get the gang members to talk and get the bad and evil off their chest. This program will save lives. Hopefully it will bring the crime rate down with gang members joining this program and working on becoming a better person.
