Monday, April 22, 2013

Ethnography and the Study of Violent Crime...Great article for Methods!! Research Methodologists!!! Using ethnography to study violent crime. What do you think???


  1. Ethnography and violent crime sounds like a good idea to expand on. Only if, the outcome of the study will stimulate growth! If the study this group sponsors new businesses, to infuse the communities with jobs for the people who are being studied. This will eliminate some of the deviant behavior express by the youth and give young people purpose. They needs to be a proactive impact, not just another report or scholarly journal added to databases of other academic journals. In the article researchers declares they can shed light on the long unanswered question of how violent relations in families are transferred to young people’s social environments. After read I see some positive results that might help in the epiphany experiences giving way to new innovation of researching communities because the old methods have fail generation X.

  2. If you conduct a true ethnography on crime it would seem that you would need to be party to, or have knowledge of crimes being committed. Highly unethical. I read a book this semester where a sociologist pretty much claims to have done the same thing and become a renowned professor from his "findings". I just cannot see how you can do this and stay completely ethical and always be the researcher and reporter not accomplice or being guilty by knowledge and association.

  3. I have to agree with Candy on this one. I mean how can a true researcher trying to conduct an ethnography over crime not know about crimes being committed. Highly unethical to say the least as you would have to be guilty by knowledge and association.
