Thursday, August 30, 2012

Genocide Documentary

Really good documentary on the humanitarian issue of Genocide. This topic is close to my heart.


  1. The video has a good point of hos Genocide never happens as a surprise most of the time is some sort of involvement in politics. It is a wide issue that has occurred through out many years. It makes me wonder how much brainwashing do people in higher power have to do to get a large group of society to deliberately and systematic destroy a specific a community, racial or religious group. This video brings light to the reality that Genocide still exist most people only think of the Holocaust. Without knowing that it still going on today.

  2. Insightful Claudia! This is a powerful documentary!

  3. Genocide is ethnic cleansing. This has been going on for many years. Many have occurred not too long ago. Genocide can be triggered by many things. In 1994 in Rwanda there were mass killings that took place for 100 days straight. This was triggered by the assassination of the Hutu president which enraged his people and they started torturing and committing ethnic cleansing on the Tutsis. In the 1980’s ,Saddam Hussein attacked men, women and children of the Kurdish village killing 100,000 people with mustard gas and nerve agents. He was charged with Genocide. The most popular case of Genocide is the Holocaust. 6 million Jews lost their lives. This was a state sponsored extermination of them. The Nazi regime was targeting Jews from Germany and some from other European countries. Men, women, children and the handicapped were killed. These people were forced into labor camps and many were sentenced to death by gas chambers. Purely an act of Genocide. Genocide still happens today.

  4. I'm sure that the people who agree with Genocide feel they have a very important reason as to why, but I will never understand this type of brutality done to a human being by another human being. Because what it boils down to is that is what we all are, Human. No matter whether we are white, black, whether were catholic or baptist, whether we are republican or democrat. We all have bodies with a brain and bones and blood that runs through or veins in the very same way. How someone could kill another person with no regard for their life, but to do it just because they are or believe in a different religion or are a different race in just inhumane. To me if a grieving parent can't take the life of someone who kills their child, then other people should not be able to kill in the name of genocide.
