Thursday, March 10, 2011

Continued Problems in Darfur, Sudan


  1. These acts are simply inexplicable. I completely agree with Edward's opinion of the situation in Darfur. I still do not understand why the United States is not a part of the ICC. They could use our help to catch these men. It upsets me that while we are fighting a useless war in the Middle East thousands are being brutally slaughtered and that this occurance is a repitition of much of Africa's history, especially in this region.
    Bashir and his men are the countries leaders and they should be building them up, striving for the sucess of the country. Instead he has created mass chaos, committed severe genocide and displaced thousands from thier homes.
    I love that Amnesty Int. is working on the sattelite monitorization of the region to target violations of human rights. I think it's a great use of our technology. But I also believe we need to focus on catching Bashir, and Kony and all of these other Gorilla dictators. There has to be a way to cut through the red tape and end the injustices.

  2. The issue in Darfur is crazy, but stuff like this happens all the time in places we forget about or dont even know about...I wish there was something that the world could do to be more informed on the issues that dont get enough publication..Like Moore said ahead...we are concentrating on some war issues that kind of seem pointless to me right now ,when we seem to have other problems worth the fight for a reason...I believe in justice and that every victim deserves it, so lets try and put our focus on other issues of importance or at the least shed light in them more the least.

  3. I don't understand why there cannot be more tolerance in the world. I know that would be a compleate Utopa but possibly a little bit of respect and tolerance could go along way. Why can't everyone be allowed to be who they are? I guess I just don't understand the mindset of genocide killing. It just makes me thankful I live in the U.S. I hate to think that anyone should have a care in the world living in the U.S compared to Darfur or any other war torn county.
    -Melissa Gibson

  4. It was said that genocide would never happen again but just a few years after the genocide in Rwanda now we have the genocide in Darfur that continues to take place. Well i guess it is true that history repeats itself because we as a society are not informed about this type of activity. We need to raise awareness about what is taking place in Darfur in order to put a halt to these inhumane acts.

  5. why is it that the U.S. government is very quick to go to libya than to go to darfur. Where there have been millions of deaths over the years.

  6. its sad that a little country like Darfur is being over looked when the crimes their are just as horriable if not more so... I think that they are taking a step in the right direction by issuing arrest warrents... The president for sure..... I don't understand how another human being can just stand aside and watch while, villages are burned an people are killed, and not feel any regret for allowing it..... and in the future I hope that; in the words of John Lennon " The world will live in Peace"

  7. I do not understand how does a country leader can be against his own country. I don’t understand how people can go burning villages and killing people. I was not aware of all this until I started reading the posts on the blog, and watching the film in class. I think that American citizens have to be aware of the Darfur issues and show an interest in interfering for the U.S. to interfere in the Darfur genocide.

  8. I feel the same way...i don't understand how a country leader can be against his own the film in class and reading this blog really opened my eyes and the whole world not just america needs to help put an end to this.. things like this shouldn't be happening in our world.

  9. I think that these atrocious events are outrageous, but the worse part of all is that they are part of humanity. Throughout history, over and over again, political leaders who are powerful enough resort to genocide in order to gain even more power. As of right now, I am just glad that, if this article is accurate, President Omar al Bashir and the other Sudanese officials are going to be changed with the crimes they have done. That could be the first step to fix this problem.
