Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Flint Serial Killer Strikes

Flint Serial Killer strikes! Check out this story...


  1. I can never get over how someone can be so mean to someone else. Then my next thought is that maybe these people did something to trigger the attack, that way it won’t happen to me. But I know that is not always true. In reading the article, the writer seems to want to blame the police. But apparently the crime clearance rate in real life is not the same as what we see in T.V. shows. I like the definition of mala in se, crimes that are wrong or evil, because I am beginning to believe that there is a lot of evil in this world and I am not sure the criminal justice system is ready for it. I also understand that crossing state lines makes it more complicated for the police. And it seems criminals are getting smarter. As discussed in class the IQ of Charles Manson was extremely high, so if someone really didn’t want to be caught…? It is going to be a sad society when we don’t feel safe helping someone in need but society is heading towards that. The definition of crime is the intentional act …. and I do not understand why someone intentionally wants to do some of the awful things they do. I can reason with doing something more “in the heat of passion” but to walk down the street looking for someone to kill, is just not something I can grasp.

  2. After reading this article you really begin to realize how crazy people have become and that no matter where you are, your safety is not ever guaranteed. When I read how the man stopped and used a pay phone at two something in the morning near a hospital, I immediately started picturing downtown Fort Worth in our hospital district area and thought there is no way I or anybody would want to walk around down there at anytime during the day especially at night. After just one week in class we have learned that so man serial killers are actually extremely smart and are very capable of killing for years and never getting caught. It is so scary to think that this person is still on the loose and has already been linked to five killings and yet no one has even a leed on them. We all wonder what goes on in a serial killers head. You have to wonder what happened to them in their life to make them just snap and act like its a everyday thing walking around and just killing innocent people for no reason, but for their own enjoyment. And its not just adults who are killing people its kids now, like the Columebine shooting, how to young boys just killed several classmates and then took their own life just blows my mind. Even at such an early age it almost seems like if you have that mentality to kill then it will happen anytime during their life whether its at a young age or adult years.

  3. Because there has not been any talk of robbery, one would have to assume the person doing this is mentally ill. Then there is the issue of the timeframes these crimes have taken place. They seem to happen after or around 2am in the morning. Is the suspect under the influence? Does he have a job? Is he involved in gang activity and this a thrill killing spree? If he were truly memntally insane, I would not think he would have a driving accomplice. It is rare to see more than one person involved in random attacks without a motive of money or drugs. One important thing not listed in this article is the victimolgy dynamics. Other than the fact that all the victims have been men, it does not say the age range or race of each. So could it be race related? Could this person be retaliating against people who remind him of a male figure who has affected him in the past? This is to little information to come to any conclusion at this point other than this person needs to be stopped from harming anyone else. Once, removed from society, we can only hope to learn from it and identify any warning signs. Then in a perfect world, hehabilitate this person!

  4. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Minor family ( I have no idea what that would be like losing your sister and brother, both to unsolved crimes). Arnold Minor was found stabbed only minutes between his mother's home and his' house. Like his sister said, "He would have stopped to help someone anyway," good people trying to do a good thing often get the "short end of the stick".
    Being aware of your surroundings and learning not to be naive about the prospects of crime that maybe presented on you at any time. Just because someone has a persona of a "nice/safe person" does not always mean that we (as a society) have to numb our senses of reality. There are many serial killers that are out there and have never been caught (or worse, haven't been linked yet).
    It is unfortunate that we can no longer do the right thing or "help" someone out because there is no guarantee to what or who you might be dealing with. Serial killers are real and until people get over the fact that they are more than just a topic in a movie or television show, then maybe certain people will take it more seriously and never underestimate where you could be at the wrong time next.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. After reading this article, you realize the fact that on one is safe on the streets at night. The later the time, the more dangerous it becomes. It doesn’t seem to matter, male or female, there is a good chance that something bad could happen if you are alone and on the street late at night. We have all read and seen on the evening news that Flint, Michigan is one of the most economically depressed cities in our nation since a lot of automotive assembly plants have closed there. The citizens of this city are facing a hard enough situation without having a serial killer roaming the streets. A lot of people in Flint, Michigan probably don’t have cars to drive due to the poor economic times. The loss of their jobs could mean the loss of their vehicle. Public transportation and walking has probably become a more popular means of travel. The unfortunate thing is that walking to and from bus stops late at night is going to leave more people vulnerable to attack. It would be great if the 47 year old man that was attacked near the hospital could give police enough information about his attacker, the truck, and driver to apprehend them and the attacks would end.

  7. I think that what the victim at the beginning said has a powerful message. Many people in big cities have a mentality that a crime will not happen to them. If society in a general were more cautious and went out in groups as we were told as children the risk would not be as high. Don't get me wrong I am in no way taking up for these criminals and murders. I think that it is sick that the public has to live with looking behind their backs in case someone decides to be the thing that goes bump in the night. My point is that with bad people out there maybe a more cautious approach to our night lives should be adopted.

  8. There are bd poeple and i mean really bad ones and the worst part is the ones that stand by and watch what happens and never say a word. you know thatv where this happenend that at least one person heard or saw something. there not much the police can do when no one steps up with info. People dont understand that all it takes is oe call and reort that will close a case. I have never been in a pllace where i would have to come forward but in my mind i sure think i would its sad that someone can save lives without knowing it

  9. The serial killer believed to be responsible for five homicides and eleven other random stabbings seems to fall in the category of the mentally defective or deranged person. The random violence of this person seems to have no logical pattern, more the act of a person who has an altered perception of reality. The stabbings seem to be more of an opportunistic nature, disorganized, rather than a killer who stalks his victim. This makes him more dangerous because of the impulsive nature. Anyone could be a potential victim. I don’t think even if he is convicted that there is any hope for rehabilitation, at least in our present criminal justice system.
    I know that you should never pose a problem without having at least one solution in mind, however dealing with the criminally insane has got to be the most difficult because of the range of severity of the diminished capacity. For the punishment to fit the crime and have a positive effect on society is unimaginable. There are varied degrees of rational understanding of their wrong doing to the mentally dysfunctional. So I guess sedate, medicate, and incarcerate, such as with Teddy – A living breathing vegetable.

  10. The serial killer seems to have a definitive pattern in his modus operandi. The stabbing will occur late at night (later than 2AM), against helpless victims, and are done without warning (verbal, physical, or otherwise). It does not appear as if the serial killer targets specific victims beforehand, nor does it appear that he has a preference towards race, gender, religion, or geographic location. The report of a second man being an accomplice is a startling development. This means that these attacks might be more planned out and logically than originally expected. I am now prepared to withdraw my original statement that the serial killer would be capture fairly quickly. The presence of a second man raises more questions than answers, and could lead to the possibility of a mastermind who is controlling the serial killer. We are now leaving the idea of serial killer, and we are moving into the theory of team killers. Hopefully, this conflict we be resolved swiftly and efficiently.

  11. This story in general reminds me all over again as to why my parents have always been so, what I considered "over protective". The truth of the matter is that you can never to be cautious and or aware of your surroundings, regardless of location and time of day. You never are as safe as you may think... which is made evident on a day to day basis via the media exposing countless tragedies that will forever take place. The reality is that people are generally in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is a clique saying that is extremely unfortunate when ending in the event of death or some form of injury.
    My next thought was after 17 different incidents, how is it that this man has never seen by any other individual (passer by) while the attacks were going on. The last man attacked claims to have been "screaming to death"... how is it that no one heard him? Or if they did... why no one came to his rescue? Although the fact of 2:30 am comes to play he was supposedly in a hospital district, which can be assumed to have a plethora of activity regardless of the time. This immediately brought me to think about the incident which took place in New York. The young woman who was attacked three separate times as her fellow neighbors watched. The idea that someone else will more than likely take responsibility to aid so then there becomes no point to intervene and get involved. This act alone lead to the death of the young lady in New York. Although these may be considered to completely irrelevant cases it begs the question... has anyone witnessed an individual being attack and yet done nothing about it? Could this serial kill have been stopped long ago? Although it is only speculation it does bring to the table the fact that maybe police officials are not the only people to blame in the fact that this killer has yet to be caught.

  12. It’s amazing how people can do the evil things they do. I just do not understand how a person can go up to another human being and stab them multiple times, in the eye, back and side. For no apparent reason someone can hurt another person, that is scary, it makes you afraid to do anything because there are insane people in the world. People like these need to be caught and locked up away from others, but the question is are people like them stable? I can not really justify why people do what they do, psychologically or if it is biological. In the chapters we discussed we talked about some excuses and reasoning for the actions of criminals, but until I see some solid proof, that justifies every excuse for the wrong doings of other, and then I will feel like I can truly believe some of the options that have been presented. However I would really want to know what causes them to commit such a crime. I feel sorry for this man, he lost his vision and was severely injured, and he is scared. I would never want to live my life in fear, (even though we all should live in fear because of this insane world we live in!!) but this man has no choice, at least until the criminal is caught.

  13. The story in the article is very tragic. I hard to believe some of the things people will do to hurt another human being. Why people is beyond my thought processes. What goes through the minds of these sick individuals. How can someone have the thought processes of hurting a helpless person. The serial seems to have a pattern where he strikes at late a night against helpless victims. Its shocking how he can just go up to a random person and with no warning stab them multiple times and just leave them there to die. It surprising the guy survived multiple stab wounds to the head he is very lucky individual. The police of flint should try and capture this guy as soon as possible because like a very dangerous and sick individual. With technology now a days it easier to capture a serial killer with DNA analysis and fingerprinting it is hard to stay under the radar. The more murders he commit’s the easier It will be to find him because he is more likely to make a mistake and leave evidence behind. Now a days its real hard to cover up your tracks. My heart goes out to the family that has had two people murdered. No should ever experience that.

  14. C.Meeke
    First of all my sympathies go to the family. It is so sad that people like Arnold Minor end up being a statistic. What makes a person commit such a malignant criminal act and what rational process if any can be logical tied to a person’s action. Is the killer looking for self gratification or is he a product of someone who has a self control problem. It is hard to put these serial killers in a box and label them. How do they justify what their killings? Chapter 2 Dr. Gullion, introduced excuses and reasons for the actions of criminals. These people that go out and commit these murders have ho control. Could it be that the serial killer is a product of his surrounding brought on by the scientific term in CJ know as trait theories. This serial killer obliviously has “individual characteristics that were in place before the act was committed” (68). It seems that the serial killer is unable to comprehend a structured society with norms and values. I wander how much CJ resources are available to the Flint police department have? I wander if the killer knows the family sense their seems to be some connection.

  15. The question that comes to mind is why the FBI isn't involved with the investigation. If the murders in the three different states are connected, then it should become a federal priority since the suspects crossed state lines. Also if the suspects are serial killers, then that too falls under the interest of the FBI. So why does it seem like only local law inforcement is involved in the investigation.

  16. It makes me wonder what goes through the minds of these suspect when they murder or violently attack others. Is it a form of illness? What the hell is going on it their mind. Some suspects it does seem like a form of illness. Whereas, others act of in passion. Anger. Hate. These things will never change. Not only here, but throughout the world.

  17. A serial killer that stabs people to death. That's a new one for me. "I'm scared to death", and I live in TX. 17 people in the same county is just scary. As we go about our daily lives, doing what we do on a normal basis, we're just not expecting someone to walk up to us and repeatedly stab us. People are just crazy! I think everyone in the area should be on high alert until this guy has been apprehended. Whether or not the attacks are linked to the out-of-state attacks is irrelevant. This reminds me of the fear every felt with the DC sniper. CATCH THIS IDIOT quickly!

  18. If I lived anywhere near this location I would NEVER go anywhere alone especially at night. It seems that this perpetrator has a specific MO – early morning and victims that are alone. People should always be aware of their surroundings and be extra careful with so many attacks happening. In the beginning of the article, the victim said the perpetrator ran back to a car driven by someone else. Now if this is connected to the serial killings than a partner could be involved and that adds a whole other dilemma. This is just a scary notion. The other article classifies him as a disorganized serial killer and makes this whole situation escalate because his victims are random and anyone could fall prey to him. I hope and pray that he is caught very soon.

  19. The more this serial killer strikes the better he is getting at it. This makes him more dangerous because he is a “regular” at these crimes. But at the same time the more crimes he commits the more vulnerable he is making himself to get caught. Eventually we are going to catch up to him or he will make some mistake or even attack the wrong person. And to find out he has someone helping him with these crimes increases his chances to get caught. But it is also scary to know that two people are doing these horrific crimes together when who would want to involved with such a crazy person. At the same time who is to say that this person is willingly helping the serial killer. This could be some person he is forcing and threatening, maybe this person will be able to escape and get him caught. He can only get away with this crime so long, but you can only hope he is caught sooner than later. Hopefully the community we become more aware of their surroundings and prevent themselves from becoming a victim.

  20. So it’s either a conspiracy or there is an actual serial killer on the lose! Luck for this man he was able to keep his life which is more than the other victims were left with. The M.O. of the suspect I guess is that he creeps up on people who are active in what they are doing (basically not focused on their surroundings, or appear to be). He stab three times and has an accomplice who may be a getaway driver. The article says that the serial killer can be linked to a few other states, some such as Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Colombia murders. Whoever this person may be needs to be found and if you know anything you need to give this number a call (866) 246-9500 or Crime Stoppers at (800) 422-JAIL immediately! We need cameras in more locations so that we have an exact description. Plus why wouldn’t there be cameras around a hospital. The police are motivated to find this serial killer there is a family morning a death because of the serial killer so that means that the community is behind the police department and are actively involved. As the citizens should be, I’m sure that don’t want to be a victim let alone have someone close to the die at the hands of this person.

  21. Something is not right, when you get down to the part about the history that this family has about past family members, we start to question, well, what if this was a personal hit? First they had a brother, then a sister, now this is the 3rd family member, that should tell you something right there. It doesnt matter what city or state you are in, if it's late and it's dark, a prowler is waiting to strike at a free chance. We all need to be more careful of our surroundings and communities and know how to fight back or use various ways to contact code blue, know exactly your location, know the description of the suspect and know how to defend yourself, both male and female. Whoever this sick person(s) is, we all hope that they get caught and taken off our streets, it will keep one less killer out of societies way.

  22. From an ex cop I once knew... If you are forced to use a gun put your back to a corner with no way to escape and empty it. with no escape you have everyright to defend your life by taking your attackers, and studies have shown those who use a gun and are truely terrified for their life will keep pulling the trigger even several times after the last shot fires so emptying the gun adds weight to your self defense claim. that stands in all fifty states. Now should your attacker turn and run, most states but not all (so you'll have to chsck on yours for this) allow deadly force in the course of a citizens arrest. Most people that are legally carrying a gun concealed or open have practice with it so you can't go killing people and say it was poor aim. You must aim for a leg or foot a non lethal shot that will stop them. in both situations call the police and wait with the attacker. when the police arrive in either situation you will be arrested at first be sure to drop your firearm as soon as you see them don't wait till they tell you. Once all of the facts come out you should have any charges dropped, (they like to file them before the investigation in such a who shot who clear cut case).

  23. This is a sad and scary story. Knowing that two of his other family members where killed and the murders are still unsolved is just awful. No one is safe and everyone should be aware of their surroundings. It could happen to any of us, any time of day. One should always take extra precaution when alone at night especially passed midnight. There are lots of crazy people out there that prey on individuals who are out alone. This story is just creepy because there is no mention of robbery or attempt, only a random act of violence. Apparently, the random act of stabbing people is going around and outside of that area for awhile.

  24. Having a person going around and stabbing people is somewhat odd. It doesn't seem like the man has a reason for doing so. Regardless, that's a reason why people shouldn't be walking about by themselves in the middle of the night. Possible 17th victim? The serial killer has had 16 other victims. You'd think some people would recognize a pattern by then, Maybe he only comes out at night, maybe his choice of attack is primarily stabbing. Things need to be pieced together, otherwise what are we paying the authorities for. The killer has already had 16 victims. I think that's pushing it a bit.
    I think we all have this mentality that something like a stabbing would never happen to us, or that it could never happen. We live in a crazy world where people kill just because it's what they feel like doing. One must always be cautious, no matter where they go. If you think it'll never happen to you, then you might as well be next.

  25. Holy crap stabbed in the eye three times that extreme, and by a hospital that just crazy. Not to sound like a jerk, but at least he didn’t have to go too far. It sucks to know that hate crime will never go away and people won’t just get out of that mind set and grow up with the times. Some people are just sick and can’t be helped. Whenever this person gets caught they need to just to slice and dice him to pieces, but I know it’s cruel and unusual punishment but come on why can’t we just bend the rules this time? What does he have to be on his 24th victim in order for us to get fed up enough to just shot him if he is ever caught? I’m not going to sit here and say the police could have down a better job, the police have it hard enough. And it weird that nothing was said about the second man involved, it like he is being completely ignored, it’s like they don’t believe what the man said about the second man that’s a little fishy to me and I hope someone can explain that to me one day.

  26. I do not think the killer needs to be "sliced and diced" or shot when he is caught.....I think authorities should be working harder with investigators to put together the pieces to this horrible nightmare Flint is facing. And I agree to question that why isn't the FBI involved? This is a crisis....seventeen people have been victims of the serial killer and there haven't been any leads. I hope a new break happens in the story before more states become involved with this.

  27. Liz S
    That is definitely scary that a serial killer is out there. There are so many unstable people around us. Safety is truly not guaranteed anywhere. Sometimes people think that if they live in a small town they are safer than if they live in a big city. Crime happens everywhere and no one is completely saved from it. Someone that is unstable will attack at any time. As a society, we need to be more cautious and pay attention to our surroundings. People need to be especially cautious at night and parents need to be aware of what is in their neighborhood. If there are attacks, they need to be aware of exactly where they are happening and who is being targeted.

  28. In all the cases we studied in class about serial killers the comments from neighbors, family "I never thought in a million years he would be capable of doing that or that it was him". We know one thing for sure, the Flint Killer is mental. Those are the people I fear most in life, the sociopaths who do not value human life. Not until they get caught and get studied will we figure out why he killed. But we do know that serial killers tend to keep their life in order so as not to attract negative attention for example and upstanding citizen type person like the BTK killer. Dennis Rader was a family man and a leader in his community. Someone above mentioned that the individual places themselves in a type of environment where they can become victims. Like the man walking home after 2 a.m. It bugs me that I can't think of what that theory is called!? So I will move on to my the next blog.
