Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crime Expert David Lohr Blog

Interesting Crime Blog by David Lohr who has been writing about crime and criminals for over 15 years. Follow the link!


  1. This is a very useful and truly interesting blog by David Lohr. I was reading one of his postings titled, "Philadelphia School Accused of Using Laptops to Spy on Students", in which he says that a school gave out laptops to students to spy and see what they were doing via webcams. This truly is an invasion of privacy and I was shocked. The parents found out and they filed a lawsuit with the school district because they were not told that the district could see them through the webcams. The district gave an excuse saying it was just in case they were stolen, so they can track it. But through webcam? That is so ridiculous and definitely invades privacy. Here is the link, by the way:

    There are many other interesting postings here worth checking out! :) I was navigating through the website and turns out that David Lohr has been writing about crime and criminals for over 15 years! That's amazing and there are many more links that can make you explore other interesting topics. David Lohr reports crime daily, so i'll be sure to check this website for other posts!

  2. To wake up one mooring and find out that your child is missing must be a devastating feeling. I can only imagine what these parents are going through. It is amazing how the parents of Elizabeth have not given up hope in finding their daughter. It is sad to say that most likely she is dead but there is still some small possibly that she could be alive somewhere. These types of cases are heartbreaking for the simple fact that you have no answers to what happened to the victim. You cannot go visit them at their grave you have no closure. I hope that the parents of Elizabeth find some answers about their daughter.

  3. Dedication by parents for answers decades after the horrible disappearance of their daughter. I can’t imagine being a parent and not having closure to my missing child’s life. A feeling of loss, confusion and the unknown, fill the empty parents of Elizabeth Ann Campbell.
    While reading this, I can’t help but wonder about certain details on the case. What about the boyfriend? And what about the sister that the boyfriend said Elizabeth went to stay with? Why was the purse that was found between 1988-1989, was not released till four years after the missing person report was filled?
    The comments made by the female officers’ shows that there is not enough sympathy or empathy with the parents of the missing victim. Because of comments like this made by police, helps give them this kind of reputation.
    I hope that one day SOON, Elizabeth Campbell’s parents can finally find some answers to their 22 year old that went missing on night in 1988.
    David Lohr did his part in spreading the word, like he does many other topics.
