Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Britney Spears Music Proves too Much for Somali Pirates :)



  1. Psychological warfare is amazing. It works both ways. I won’t be surprised if these guys start retaliating with their own music now. In Fallujah the prayers from the Imam over their speakers were extremely eerie and very hypnotic. During the Siege of Fallujah the US Army played insults long with rock music over the loud speaker in attempt to drive out the fighters. I wasn’t there for this but a few senior enlisted guys about this. Apparently “Hells Bells” by ACDC was the song they loved hearing over the loud speaker. This apparently didn’t work well for scare tactics but it did pump up our troops. Also they apparently played the sounds of humans being tortured and wailing infants which I guess can correlate well with Britney Spears music. Perhaps these men are scared of fierce retaliation from the harm of a fair maiden from the land of America. They didn’t want a Helen of Troy situation on their hands. Yes it is sad I’m comparing Britney to Helen of Troy. This is a plausible scenario. After traveling through the world I have found that even in the deepest darkest crevices of the world American Pop Icons are idolized, sometimes more so than in the USA.

  2. This is so cool that a pop rock stars music could deter crime at the seas. These pirates must be spooked due to her upbeat music and the fact that it caught them all off guard. I personally like her earlier music but do not care for her newer music. However, if it will keep out seas and waters safer from pirates it is worth a try. I am willing to try anything that would make it safer for people to travel the seas without having the fear of being hijacked by pirates. This is such a non-violent way of controlling them. We should try it with other rock music and see if it is just her music or if it is the rock music in its self. This would give a security to travelers of the sea that there would be a way to successfully control the pirates and this would give them a sound security so that they would feel safer. Come on Brittany "Hit Them Baby One More Time".

  3. Its pretty freaking cool that our warfare is so advanced that it can deter crime without violence. Although I am not exactly sure how this song keeps these pirates from attacking.. But hey! if it works awesome! Maybe its the quick tempo of the song or maybe its because a girl is singing it and the pirates dislike girls singing because they are sexist. Who really knows? Anyways, this is awesome... I wonder how these pirates feel about other pop stars like Miley Cyrus or One Direction.

  4. Okay now this is just down right funny. I do not have anything against Britney Spears, but after listening to that song, “Hit Me Baby One More Time” a few times it would be enough to drive anyone crazy. I would love to be able to interview one of the Somali Pirates to ask them exactly what it is about that song or the music that drives them away. I wonder if they think it is like ritualistic or something. For this type of music to have such a profound affect on them that it actually keeps them from attacking or trying to take over a ship. I have always heard that music is a powerful thing. It influences people, motivates them, relaxes them, soothes them, aids in understanding feelings and emotions, and tells us a lot about people and their life experiences at times. So I guess when looking at it like that with all the things music is able to do, it should be no surprise that it has some affect on the pirates. It is just amazing to me that is can actually keep people from acting is such a fierce way as to make a difference on an international warfare level.
