Tuesday, October 23, 2012

http://www.sheldensays.com/warforprofit.htm War Profiteering! An example of state corporate level crime!


  1. It astounds me that a company could sell weapons to our enemies. It may be legal to sell them so long as they don’t use them, but why else would they buy them? I wonder if the person who sells the weapons realizes that this could come back to kill them, their loved ones and/or the public at large. Our country has been corrupted by greed. If we enacted a law making it illegal to sell weapons to our enemies, then would our wars be much shorter and simpler? They will get weapons from somewhere, but will they be as good as the weapons that the United States provides? Are these people so selfish that they cannot see how their actions are hurting others? There are so many questions related to war profiteering; I do not understand how anyone could go through with making a profit off war.
    Politics had to be involved in some way. The article mentions the fact that the companies continue to get contracts even though they are profiting from war. Most of these contracts were agreed to at some previous time. Politicians will defend themselves by saying that no one else is capable of filling the contracts. This was the case of Blackwater. The thing that really bothers me about Blackwater is that the case was dismissed from court, because it became too expensive for the families. These people lost loved ones and want the information as to what went wrong. The company will not give them the information and counter-sues them even after their loss!
    War profiteering is a crime. Our company is so consumed by greed and selfishness that we will let war profiteering continue, no matter the future costs.

  2. The fact that companies/people will use war as a means to gain profit because they are simply greedy is ridiculous. Not only is the government already spending a lot of money when it goes to war but people’s lives are being lost fighting for a “cause”. However, these people lives both military and innocent civilians just seemed to be overlooked and almost thought of as disposable, as long as these particular companies/people whom are promoting the war are gaining their profit desired. Some of the corporations get very rich off military contracts by hiring lobbyist, and spend millions of dollars to influence congress to protect their profits. It is surprising to read the article and find out that the fraud that is occurring by these private contracts has been going on since some of the early wars we have had, and yet our government continues to get contracts with these corporations. Why spend so much money for these private contracts to have them do particular jobs when all they care about is money. Furthermore, you can have military personnel perform these tasks and pay them more for the jobs they do since they are the ones protecting our country and putting their lives on the line. I don’t understand why the government would be so dependent on these military/private contracts to fill the void of our own military when the people who take one these contacts are not even regulated or trained. After reading this article I can understand how this is an example of state corporate level crime.

  3. Why has the United States not done anything to regulate the companies selling weapons? It is ridiculous that stock for has risen so quickly due to war and more countries are buying weapons. Due to little regulation these manufacturing companies the weapons and aircraft were not of high quality and when the Army and Navy bought the materials they suffered some fatalities due to poor quality material. If there is such little regulation the federal laws do not get applied? When a company is under suspicion of fraud and waste they still do not get investigated or taken seriously, but when there is a man trafficking guns the federal government intervenes. However they don’t do the same thing for a corporation just due to the fact they will lose money. I do not understand mercenaries how they can used in direct combat only for personal gain and there is no loyalty to the party or obedience only monetary gain. It seems America always talks of peace and how they want the war to end but in reality they seem to be selling.

  4. Wow...it just keeps going with the greedy, self absorbed, in humane acts of people in political positions and executive corporate business'. I just can't believe these people can sleep at night. There is no excuse to put money or material things before a human life. To sell out a human being for profit, political gain, or power, is not only wrong, but it is down right filthy. Everyone would love to have some sort of financial security, but to me it should never be at the expense of a human life. Shame on those people and I hope they like it hot!!

  5. The dollar costs of the Iran and Afghanistan wars are incredible. I saw a clock showing costs of over one thousand dollars per second to fund these wars. With amounts of money this large, it’s not at all surprising that greed and corruption has reared its ugly head. But wait, its ugly head was always raised in the form of corporations lobbying for war and lawmakers with an eye on their personal portfolios. The sad but true state of many corporations and people is that “anything goes” for the almighty dollar. War profiteering is nothing new, but today’s military industrial complex is like nothing we have seen before. The relationship between the managers of war and those providing the means of war has given rise to the private contractor who is motivated by money and not loyalty. The military is dependent on these contractors to do things that were formerly done “in house.” Due to lack of oversight and legislation, these companies have little incentive to save on spending, and actually, the more they spend, the more they make. When the legislation and oversight to control this situation is in the hands of the very people who benefit from it, it is no wonder nothing changes. Neither this country nor any other country can survive on a path of wild overspending, greed, corruption, and fraud, so only a drastic turnaround in American policy will change this course.

  6. War profiteering in America is a sad reality of the manipulation of our democracy. Many of the current politicians who make our laws just so happen to profit from the law or amendment they fought so hard to pass or oppose. I find it mind blowing that these people have such free reign when it comes to such exorbatant financial gain. They use political agendas that they claim are in the best interest of the public to add to their wealth by basically stealing from hard-working Americans who have to work two jobs in order to provide for their family. And the biggest betrayal by our government is probably to our armed forces who risk their lives, are away from home and endure horrific circumstances. They get paid laughable wages for their service, they come home to being forclosed on, PTSD, or are have lost a limb or limbs. But not to fear America, the rich in Washington will remain ridiculously wealthy.

  7. It surprises me that in the United States am using war to gain a profit. In the United States we spend too much money on certain aspects. Especially in war. For example, in the war in the Middle East we spend so much money. That does not even go to the want effort. The people picking up that bill are the American people. Also the companies who are making a profit from these sell outs. For example, truck or shipping companies that put there employees in harm ways just to make a profit.

  8. when being made aware of the costs of these wars it is no surprise to me that all the profiteering is so rampant. Now I am a realist and I know that human nature, especially when allowed to go unchecked, will be greedy at best. Now since we have all this documentation that the profiteering is present and well "alive" even today it's behoves me that we can't seem to implement a better checks and balances for these privatized companies. I have a strong belief that most of the jobs being offered to private companies should still be the responsibilities of the military simply out of ethical reasons and information integrity. If the US does not get serious and prosecute these companies then blacklist them after prosecution the profeteering will not only remain present but be even more prevelant with more time.

  9. It really does not surprise me that behind all this corruption is money. What does surprise me is how long things like this have been going on in previous wars. The government does not want to pay the U.S. military more when they are the ones protecting and serving this country. They deserve so much more than what they receive after everything they go through. The government instead wants to get ripped off by private companies that profit off contracts that only they can fulfill and put their own employee’s lives at risk no matter what. Hmmm which is better millions of dollars or the life a human or humans? I feel if it was one of their family members they would think twice before making that kind of move. Also the contractor and the people that go into the warzones basically do not have any rules. The military is there to help build a better future in the reconstruction efforts and the private companies who are not under any authority come in and have a negative impact killing innocent people. The private companies do not see any punishment and worse case just expect a fine. If that is the case who would stop doing something that is making them so much money.

  10. Wars are won with soldiers, supplies, and other resources that all cost large sums of money. Often times, it is easy to shadow different types of scams, and fraud, during war time. This is directly related to taxpayers because it is our money that is being wasted. This article says that it is common for millions of dollars to go to waste without raising any eyebrows at all. When the total bill of something is in the trillions, I guess a million is like a needle in a haystack. Regardless, this money is being wasted on private contractors, and other things. This becomes a matter of criminal justice. During these times of war, people are committing these crimes because there is virtually no consequence. The federal government finds itself more concerned with the matter at hand, and tends to overlook minor problems. These, however, add up over time and add onto the already devastating debt. Something has to be done to combat this. Legal barriers and accountability must be taken seriously if we want to stop these private contractors. The only thing these contractors are concerned with is making profit. Therefore, they will do whatever it takes to maximize the amount of money they make. This process should be no longer acceptable. It is detrimental to our economy, as well as our goals overseas.

  11. The majority of these wars are about economics. Private companies have been profiting from war for hundreds of years. Why are we acting so surprised now? Again, it's all about ECONOMICS. This includes politics. War is politics with bloodshed. Politics is war without bloodshed. War is still war and there is plenty of money to be had on both sides. The less than 5% of the world's population who controls the vast majority of the world's resources could care less about who is right and who is wrong in any conflict, all that they are concerned about is how to manipulate and exploit the situation in order to maintain their status as the upper crust of American society. In the days of old one would find a battlefield by following the vultures, now they just follow the "private" contractors.

  12. It’s sad and disturbing that money is more important than the safety of our troops. The private contractors that supply our troops with weapons and armor our troops need (to defend our country and stay alive while they are doing it) deceive our government into spending more money so they can make a profit. The fact that this type of corruption has gone on for so many years, displays the type of government we have. I agree with the other post that the government pays spends more money on these companies than they do our own troops. The article referred to how today the military-industrial complex is alive and well. These companies will continue to benefit and make big profits because no one will address it. I guess the life of a soldier will never be more important than money.

  13. It is sad to see the amount of money that is being spent on the Iran and Afghanistan wars for contractors. We ask the question, on why the government does not do or, did not do a good job with regulating war profiteering, when these so called contractors were bidding for the jobs at the very beginning? I think the lack of governance, is due to some of the contractors, who were spending all the taxpayers’ money, were being backed by some of the people in government. For example, look at Halliburton, the company that has or had the vice president Dick Cheney as a ceo. It is funny how they were hired as the company in Iraq without a competitive bid. It all boils down to greed, and the main people who are suffering are the taxpayers.

  14. The cost of war is $1.6 trillion. That is one huge dollar amount. This amount is so big due to wartime profiteering. Money is clearly to root of evil. “At the end of 2010, there were nearly 200,000 private contractor employees in Iraq and Afghanistan,” which was a surprising number to me. These contractors make a profit from making the U.S government overpay for simple tasks, such as laundry. Also, these companies make money by selling weapons to both sides of the war. These companies are using war to make a profit, and even cote for war just to make money. However, I feel the lives of the soldiers and civilians are being overlooked. If we go to war, someone has to fight and those people put their lives at risk for their country and family. Is it fair to purposely profit from war when those people fight for our county in horrid conditions? I cannot believe these people can sleep easily at night.

  15. The cost of war continues to rising, and it is clear that many people depend on the money that is made, from the soliders to the corporations that manufactor war planes and weapons. This a confusing situation because with all the technolgy that continues to improve daily why is it that the items needed for war cost more. There should be a way to limit the spending.
