Friday, March 26, 2010

$207,000 to keep Fort Hood Shooter in Jail

Where is the Fort Hood suspect now? Check out the following story...
Update: Link is currently down...I will try and correct this weekend. :)


  1. In the Associated Press and reading about the $207.000 to main housing, care and to guard Mr. Hasan, I am sure Mr. Hasan is smiling. He probably understands that he will probably get the best care there is to get. Yet the Tea Party Baggers are not protesting the free medical Mr. Hasan will be getting for the rest of his life for killing our soldiers. The social structure in terms of the function of our society, appears to be dysfunctional norms that is played out in our society every day. We have lost billions due to corruption through our bureaucratic system, Mr. Hasan is only a small piece.

  2. The wording alone from the title are self explanatory that it is not worst the amount to keep a person in jail. Why would we as citizen want to cover such a bill? What mean of reality to moralism make sence to this individual. He took the lives of innocent servicemen. This is once again showing that there a disparity in enforcement and sentencing of individuals who have committed an unforgivable type of crimes, that we will go out of our way and pay an enormous amount of money to protect them and convience them from the public. This is a no brainer in my thoughts and the answer is NO NO NO NO! I'm being clean in words just take it as it is...

  3. It is so hard to comment on something like this due to the fact that it hits so close to home with me. The military side of me wants to say what should be done to him, let me just say it is not pleasing, and the academic side wants to know more and see what should be done to correct this behavior. I have not read it due to the link but I can only guess that it is just going to be the norm just brought to light on this sensitive case.

  4. Well, well, well, I bet Mr. Hasan is super excited to know that although he "just" killed thirteen individuals and injured many others, $207,000 are being spent on his sorry self. Sad to know that these individuals that were killed and injured for life, won't see a single portion of this money that is being spent on such a criminal only to keep him in jail with better facilities. See, but I can bet that if it were any of us that would have committed such thing, we'd probably just be thrown out into the public. Instead of spending such amount of money, which can be used for better references, why cant's we just put him out into a public jail, maybe Supermax? And that may be the last of him. Maybe one of those criminals in supermax will get rid of him. Like really, he killed not only one, two, three, but thirteen individuals.!..!. DO NOT spend such amount of money on him. I don't think that us citizens would like to pay paying out of our pockets to keep a criminal in jail with high quality facilities.

  5. In my opinion, we shouldn't spend so much money for this person to have such special treatment. However, he should be kept away from other inmates since he might be a threat himself or others. They might seek out his death. Who knows? It is worth spending the minimum amount of money to keep someone alive for their trial, but that excessive amount of money is unacceptable. From an emotional standpoint, it is ridiculous quite evidently because it appers like Mr. Hasan is being rewarded in some ironic fashion. From a practical standpoint, how is it even utilitarian for the community as a whole? It makes the perpetrator have an advantage as opposed to society and his victims. Would Bentham or Mills approve? However, I am certainly no Tea Bagger or conservative. I believe in rehabilitation, not punishment. That said, I have no idea why Mr. Hasan did what he did except due to inappropriately expressing some sort of rage. I do not blame it on Islam. I blame it on anomie (meaning his own mind, choices, environment, goals, biology, etc. clashing in his head). That is my opinion. People use religion as their excuse, but in the end it's all about what's in their head or if they embody some sort of sickness of society. You can call that sociobiological, but I call it being realistic. Therefore, I think that the minimum amount of money should be spent to keep him alive for trial. That's all for now. KSK

  6. After reading the article from the San Antonio Express News and other responses, I feel that even though spending a penny on a murderer is too much, our criminal justice system is in place to protect us and we would want these protections in place if we were suspected of committing a crime. What makes this crime so bad is the fact that this man was a psychiatrist – someone that you wouldn’t expect to lose control in such a way. He was supposed to be someone that you could trust. Sadly cases are not always as cut and dry as this one is. Personally, I would rather spend the $207,000 on programs for our youth, but this is not the case.

  7. Our criminal population is far too big for the prison facilities we have today. The government is pumping billions of dollars into new prison facilities every year into new prison facility, and the criminal justice system still cannot keep up with the bulging criminal population.
    Police officers have had a long history of corruption. In Texas, during the Civil Right Movement, prejudice and racism would often lead to wrongful convictions. Today, police officers take bribes in the form of drugs, money, and sexual favors.
    The different levels of the criminal justice system barely communicate with each other. The Federal, State, and Local levels have difficulty sharing information with each other. The corrections, courts, and police aspect of the criminal justice system lack trust and a desire to work together.
    The majority of criminals are recidivists who lack options in their lives. The in class movie showed that gang members do not believe that they have any opportunities other than joining a gang. If more educational programs were put in place, than it could help break the continuous cycle of violence by proving criminals with the ability to pursue a lawfully lifestyle.
    Most juvenile murders are part of gang. These children never had the opportunity to learn the social norms of American values, and instead were integrated into the counterculture of gangs and violence. The minors must still be punished for their crimes, but it is more important that they are reformed into a proper system of morals and ethics.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I hate to see that we are spending so much money on a man to be moved from hospital to prison. He should not be worth anything but a penny, maybe not even that. Also we have to pay an additional amount of money for round the clock monitoring of this man when he arrives at the prison. This story is just sat because we are spending so much money on somehting that should not be spent on, we should be using that money for the courts.

  10. I believe this is money wasted that they are spending on this shooter. Although, their reasoning isn't completely wrong because what they want is for him to get better and then either go to jail, question him, etc. This is just a lot of money to be spent on a criminal, and he should be getting the least amount of money and little help because of what he has done. He will probably be on death row for about 20 years too. Criminal Justice System needs to be fixed.

  11. A man kills thirteen individuals of who were our finest. Mr. Hasan killed the very people he was defending our country with. Because of this he is being housed in prison and it is costing us 207,000 to keep him there. Hasan is probably happy knowing we are spending our money to keep him fed and clothed. This is sick. Here’s a man who shot and killed thirteen people and all he gets is a place to live paid by the people he is suppose to protect. This man should pay for what he did. He killed somebody’s mother, father, sister, brother, etc. I don’t think it’s fair that we have to pay for a murderer to be well taken care of. In this case this man deserves all the punishment he can get. Hopefully nothing like this will take place again but as for Mr. Hasan… you reap what you sow..

  12. Im sure his feeling good, knowing he killed some of the most valuable people this county has. Now his is going to be taken care of for the rest of his life costing us taxs payers $207,000. Not think thats a punishment at all. What about all those families who lost their love ones. At least Mr. Hasans family know his alive and maybe just maybe they can have some kind of communication with him. But those 13 families will never hear/see their love ones again. I think that the tax payers should decide if we should spend all that money on him or not. I really hope he gets all of the punishment possiable. Death penalty?! Yes maybe, but lets speed up the process. Something needs to be done

  13. I know this article is about the amount of money to keep this a**hole locked up BUT I do not think that should be the main topic. This monster and waste of skin should not have the luxury of being in jail. He should be somewhere were human rights are not guaranteed. I don’t think that it should take that much to keep him imprisoned. He deserves nothing but a one way ticket to hell. I don’t want my tax money keeping him eating and living. He did something so evil that he should be locked up and maybe fed once a week. I know this is not possible but this is my blog comment and this is how I fell towards this subject. My tax dollars already get abused and I don’t want them in any way to give something to that idiot. He deserves nothing therefore he should get nothing.
